About the Founder

To quote my grandfather, Brigadier General Maury J. Halper (U.S. Army Retired): “There is always a solution.”
Growing up in a single parent home, the feelings of “am I normal” and jealousy when the other Dads were present at peer events was a challenge for me. I told myself if I ever was in this situation when I got older, I would be the dad I never had. Moving forward in life, I ended up becoming a single parent and I would experience a wide range of emotions and legal battles.
I was fortunate to have legal help from some amazing attorneys throughout the years. Each one spent time with me to help guide me, show me that I could be the dad I wanted to while handling extreme levels of resistance.
Career wise, I spent years in the military, then moved into working in the correctional system as an Officer, then moved on as an Arizona Child Protective Services Case Manager. When I left the “system” I decided I wanted to be on the other side and representing those who were seeking justice. I became a licensed Legal Paraprofessional to fill a gap in our society that is so desperately needed. One that is not focused on fees and dragging out legal proceedings, rather one that is focused on resolution the quickest, most efficient and cost effective.
Upon passing the Legal Paraprofessional Licensing Exams (3) in Arizona and receiving my license, I decided to build a practice that would be the “go to” place for Legal Paraprofessionals as they graduate. A firm that is dedicated to providing compassionate, caring and consistent services. This led me to build out a “concierge” model whereby our clients pay a monthly fee, are able to receive a tremendous value for the time we spend and discounted rates for ancillary services and court appearances.
It’s an innovative model, that follows my personal spirit and belief that there’s room for improving everything in every business, while keeping the client and justice at the forefront, because I know what it’s like to not find any legal help.
I am a native of Tucson, Arizona, and have a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Northern Arizona University. I hold a master’s degree in Legal Studies from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law, and a master’s degree in Leadership/Administration from Northern Arizona University. I am a disabled Veteran from the U.S. Army and an Eagle Scout.
I hold many awards from my experiences throughout the years; however, the best one is seeing my daughter attend college and becoming her own person. It is always my hope to help others navigate through difficult times.